How Many Photos Do I Really Need?

The main thing to keep in mind is that the quantity of photos that you use for your listing isn’t as important as the quality.

You want good coverage of your listing but you don’t need to go overboard because most people’s attention spans are quite short especially when they’re searching through hundreds of online listings. The general consensus seems to be that 20-25 high quality images is the maximum that you’ll need for most listings. For unique and very high dollar homes then it’s a good idea to include more photos but usually anything over 30-35 would still be overkill. You want your listing photos to attract potential buyers and entice them to come and view the property in person but you still want to leave a little mystery also. You don’t want them to feel like they’ve “seen it all” when it comes to what your listing offers.

More than likely, if you’re paying extra for dozens and dozens of listing photos taken from almost every conceivable angle you’re wasting that money because it’s going to be extremely rare for a person to click through that many photos of any one property. Plan on 20-35 selective images to spotlight your listing and you’ll be right on track.