Do You Really Need to Pay For a Virtual Tour?

Virtual Tours are revolutionizing real estate marketing by bringing listings to life with 24/7 Open Houses. They save real estate agents time & money, win more listings, move properties faster, and leave prospective clients blown away. Virtual tours allow you to get the immersive experience of walking through a property without ever having to leave your home, but is it worth the cost to add one to your marketing plan? We’ll take a look at some of the unique benefits of this new technology that are enough to show you how to provide a solution that works for both your buyers and sellers – and for you!

Save Time and Money for you and your Client

While quality pictures are a must they only give you a basic idea of the rooms in a home. Virtual tours give you a true insight into the home’s layout and features that the pictures alone can’t do. Buyers are able to tour homes at their own pace, explore the features such as lighting, flooring or countertops, and can do this for multiple houses in less time than it would take to drive to one open house. By utilizing virtual tours, you are helping to reduce the number of “must-see properties” and getting your client’s offer faster than viewing each property in person which will expedite them to the closing table. This could make the difference between getting a property under contract or possibly engaging in a costly bidding war.  

Win More Listings

Interactive technology is fascinating by definition – people love media that gives a sense of independent exploration. So, when you are presenting to prospective seller clients, you need to show how you’ll be marketing their property and why you are the listing agent that will close, the quickest and with the highest offers. Using virtual tours in your marketing shows them you know what you’re doing and have the tools to do so, which gives them the confidence to award you their listing.

Close Rate Increase

The National Association of Realtors (NAR), states virtual tours dramatically increase a home's chance of being sold. Virtual tours can also help buyers decide to purchase quicker. The facts show virtual tours help prospective buyers make a choice to purchase a property. NAR states that 40% of buyers rank virtual tours as “very useful” when looking to buy a home. Virtual Tours ranked higher than listing agent information and recently sold properties when asked what helped them in the buying process.
When buyers are able to take virtual tours of homes they are focusing on, they are more likely to make an offer on the house, and quicker. Real Estate agents won’t have to go back to the property two and three times; the buyers have already seen the virtual tour a few times. In fact, they are more than likely looking at it when that call to put in an offer. Virtual tours cuts down on the amount of time it takes to get a listing under contract and frees you up to work with other clients.

Brand You as A Client-Oriented Agent

Branding means repeatedly getting your company name in front of prospective clients d in the positive and memorable way. Virtual tours are a great way that you can market yourself as a client-oriented agent. You are showing your clients that you put your time and efforts into using the best and the most valuable marketing tools available. Virtual tours show your clients that you’re willing to go out of your way for their convenience and overall experience. They also allow you to shorten the time you spend with each client before closing on a property, as well as multiplying the number of possible buyers overall. Virtual tours help you to put your client’s needs above all else, overall.

They Create an Instant Sense of Ownership

Laying a foundation of a sense of ownership is crucial to coaxing clients towards finalizing the real thing. Virtual tours allow clients to tour the property independently, on their own time and at their own pace, giving them a sense of independence and personal connection. You can strengthen this sense of connection by adding virtual tours to a suite of other interactive features – mortgage calculator, information about local amenities, IDX search functions – so that clients can use your listings to perform solo research. The more time and energy they invest, the more likely they’ll feel committed to reaching out to you with an offer.

Bottom Line

Virtual tours can feel like an expensive marketing option, but you’ve heard the old adage “You get what you pay for”. The added cost of a virtual tour, especially when bundled with photographs, is minimal when compared to ROI that you recieve from it. Additionally, you can include them in a collection of materials, including email marketing and open-house notifications. It’s also worth noting that virtual tours are not limited to strict realism. They also provide a modern solution to agents representing properties that are not yet ready for move-in, including new and renovated buildings. A virtual tour allows you to show prospective buyers a finished, furnished interior – making it that much easier for them to picture themselves inside.


Virtual tours have been shown to attract more views and generate more leads than text and still images alone. Consider incorporating virtual tours into your digital marketing plan, so this innovative technology can give you a solid advantage in a competitive market. Contact us now and recieve 10% off your first virtual tour or photography session. Use or mention coupon code “VIRTUALTOUR” . To schedule your appointment, you can reach out to us online or call 678-517-6567.

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